
A 安徽
B 北京 包头 保定
C 重庆 成都 长沙 常熟 常州 长春
D 大连 东莞
E 鄂尔多斯
F 福州 福建 佛山
G 广州 甘肃 贵阳 贵州 广东 广西
H 哈尔滨 合肥 杭州 惠州 邯郸 河北 河南 黑龙江 呼和浩特 湖北 海口 海南 湖南
J 济南 吉林 嘉兴 江苏 江西 金华
K 昆明 昆山
L 廊坊 连云港 辽宁 洛阳
N 南京 宁波 南昌 南通 内蒙古 宁夏 南宁
Q 青岛 青海 泉州
S 上海 深圳 沈阳 石家庄 苏州 山东 山西 绍兴 三亚 陕西 汕头 四川
T 天津 台州 太原 唐山
W 武汉 无锡 威海 温州 乌鲁木齐
X 西安 厦门 徐州 新疆
Y 烟台 盐城 扬州 义乌 银川 云南
Z 郑州 浙江 中山 珠海



公司规模:100 - 499人



职位性质: 全职 专业要求: 不限
招聘日期: 2023.08.03 ~ 2024.07.30 工作地点: 浙江-嘉兴市
更新日期: 2024.07.18 工作经验: 二年以上
外语要求: 不限 职称要求: 不限
学历要求: 不限 工资待遇: 6000 - 10000


  • 标签:
  • 规划
  • 勘察
  • 设计
  • 园林
  • 景观
  • 市政
  • 路桥
  • 隧道
  • 古建筑
  • 设计院
  • 研究院
  • 工作室





  Shanghai Jiarong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd (here after as SHJR) consists of Shanghai Jiarong Decoration Co., Ltd, Shanghai Jiarong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd Beijing Branch, Shanghai Jiarong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd Jiaxing Branch, Shanghai Jiarong Exhibition & Manufacturing Co., Ltd, and Shanghai Jiarong Exhibition & Manufacturing Co., Ltd Jiaxing branch. It has been granted General Contracting Qualification on House Construction, Interior Decorating Qualification and other qualifications, such as Building Decoration Engineering (design, construction, and project management), Electromechanical Equipment Installation, City Gardening and Greening, Anticorrosion and Heat Insulation, Steel Structure, Building Curtain Wall, Municipal and Public Engineering and so on. With registered capital of RMB 25 Million, it has been certified for the ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Management System.


  As a well-organized entity, our company has a professional and competent engineering team and powerful capital strength, actively borrowed advanced management methods and ways, connected with international practice, owned large advanced construction equipment and plant prefabricated integration decoration advantage, and its technical strength, management level and service quality are praised by owners or clients. Since foundation of our company, the operation guide lines, Quality as Base, Honest as Most, are held all the time, the pursued aim is to Construct a Project and Public Praise Founded and Jiarong Construction Trademark is built. Markets cover Shanghai District and whole country. House building projects and corresponding decoration projects, such as restaurants with stars, large public pavilions, large commercial space, large plants, private residential house of top grade, have been successfully constructed by our company.


  During the years of Development, especially in the years of cooperation with international clients, SHJR has accumulated rich experiences for engineering construction and trained a large number of good professionals. With its high level of management and high responsibilities in hot competition market, SHJR has won her market share, and public praise has been built. We will serve you high quality in construction and projects, originated from our permanent pursue of art and professional process level.

  Our main clients:

  化 工 类:瓦克化学、科莱恩化学、液化空气中国投资、NALCO纳而科、华勤集团。
  Chemical Industry: Wacker Chemie, Clariant Chemicals, Air Liquide in China, Nalco, HIXIH Group.

  商 业 类:(酒店、百货)AIG上海商城、波特曼丽嘉酒店、百乐门大酒店、上海九百集团、王宝和酒店(世博)、上海烟草集团、韩国现代集团、韩国乐天集团、韩国每家玛、香港屈臣氏集团。
  Commercial Industry: (restaurants and general merchandise), AIG Shanghai Centre, Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Paramount Hotel, Shanghai Joinbuy Group, Wangbaohe Hotel (Expo.), Shanghai Tobacco Group, Korea HY Group, Korea Lotte Group, Korea Megamart, and Hongkong Watson Group.

  金 融 类:渣打银行、汇丰银行、东亚银行、澳新银行、恒生银行、贵阳商业银行。
  Financial Industry: Chartered Bank, HSBC, Bank of East Asia, Australia and New Zealand Bank, Hang Seng Bank and Guiyang Commercial Bank.

  科 教 类: 交通大学、中国工程院、北师大、云南省行政主管部门、上海市中共二大、国际红十字会(世博馆)
  Science and Education industry: Jiaotong University, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing Normal University, Yunnan Provincial Government, Shanghai 2th Council of Representatives of PRC, International Red Cross (Pavilion for Word Expo.)

  Shanghai Jiarong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd