
A 安徽
B 北京 包头 保定
C 重庆 成都 长沙 常熟 常州 长春
D 大连 东莞
E 鄂尔多斯
F 福州 福建 佛山
G 广州 甘肃 贵阳 贵州 广东 广西
H 哈尔滨 合肥 杭州 惠州 邯郸 河北 河南 黑龙江 呼和浩特 湖北 海口 海南 湖南
J 济南 吉林 嘉兴 江苏 江西 金华
K 昆明 昆山
L 廊坊 连云港 辽宁 洛阳
N 南京 宁波 南昌 南通 内蒙古 宁夏 南宁
Q 青岛 青海 泉州
S 上海 深圳 沈阳 石家庄 苏州 山东 山西 绍兴 三亚 陕西 汕头 四川
T 天津 台州 太原 唐山
W 武汉 无锡 威海 温州 乌鲁木齐
X 西安 厦门 徐州 新疆
Y 烟台 盐城 扬州 义乌 银川 云南
Z 郑州 浙江 中山 珠海


Darrenn Group Limited

公司规模:100 - 499人



职位性质: 不限 专业要求: 不限
招聘日期: 2023.12.25 ~ 2024.07.05 工作地点: 北京
更新日期: 2024.05.06 工作经验: 不限
外语要求: 不限 职称要求: 不限
学历要求: 不限 工资待遇: 20000 - 60000


● 大学本科及以上学历环境艺术设计专业、建筑专业、室内设计专业或艺术设计等专业具有高级工程师资格
● 具有丰富的室内设计经验、担任过项目负责人具备本人牵头负责的实施案例能独当一面有项目管理能力
● 具有大型公共空间室内精装修设计类项目 全过程设计经验
● 熟悉国家有关本专业的各项规范和标准专业基础知识扎实
● 熟练使用室内设计相关软件有一定的设计能力和设计美感
● 思维清晰、有条理、沟通能力强有优秀的团队合作精神和一定的领导组织、协调配合能力
● 熟悉施工现场和制作工艺及材料有项目成本控制能力
● 品行端正工作认真踏实责任心强。
● 兼职/全职工作性质不限
● 在项目经理安排下独立负责完成本专业图纸绘制工作全过程按设计标准绘制各类专业图纸按公司规定完成设计任务
● 参加业主召开的设计过程中的各项会议
● 负责本专业图纸的审图及签字
● 参加施工图会审、竣工验收等工作会议检查施工与图纸要求是否一致并对解决施工过程中出现的各类情况
● 根据项目需要出差
● 按工作流程要求配合其他专业人员工作负责对项目进行设计配合及协调
● 做好设计文件、校审记录、基础资料的收集整理和归档工作
● 基本月薪3000-5000元按项目完成度分阶段支付奖金阶段奖金20000-60000不等。

  • 标签:
  • 环境
  • 保护
  • 治理
  • 净化
  • 废固

Darrenn Group Limited其他招聘职位



About Darrenn Group

Darrenn Group Limited is a uk provider of professional technical , operation and management support services, which is a creative and energetic. Darrenn provide clients with high-quality services and integrated, multi-disciplinary Solution。

Darrenn:The seven characters represent our main businesses

D_Digital-art ; A_Architecture ; R_Regional-planning; R_Resort; E_Engineering; N_New-media; N_New-tech.

Darrenn is distinguished by a strong focus on our clients’ strategies, business plans. The innovations we imagine deliver to the value of client , reflect our clients’ priorities and their opportunities for sustained success.

Darrenn is organized around a specifically,highly collaborative operation model, reflecting our core values and working style. The London headquarters is responsible for providing all the design, creativity and technology to provide efficient service to clients around the world, anytime, anywhere. We employ professional elites at the project location to engage in project management and act as a bridge between headquarters and customers. They not only convey the client's demands to the headquarters, but also express the local culture and living habits. In this way, a perfect combination of global vision and localization can be achieved.

Our philosophy is focused on enhancing the human experience in the built environment. We are committed to making an active impact on how people live and work in our current environment. Our goal is to balance human needs, economic requirements, and environmental responsibility in every project. New technologies, environmental protection and sustainable development are key factors in Darrenn's design process.

Darrenn Group in China

Darrenn has three offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing in China. A wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai Hudong Group Co., Ltd., was established in Shanghai. It has A qualifications for the construction industry (construction engineering) and A qualifications for urban planning in China. Hudong Group is the executive director of China Urban Planning Association, the executive director of Shanghai Urban Planning Association, and the deputy director of the Planning Committee of China Scenic Area Association.

Darrenn has completed many influential projects in China, which include: architectural design, urban planning, interior design, landscape design, etc. Darrenn has accumulated rich experience especially in commercial complexes, TOD, science and technology parks, tourist attractions and urban design. Darrenn has won many international competitions and won many awards.